Meet Naomi

Tell us about yourself, your position, background, motivations.

Originally born and raised in Guam, I moved to San Diego in 2013 and currently act as the Payroll Manager at Crinetics as of 2022. My position entails processing all aspects of payroll such as, payroll-related taxes, employer tax forms/filings, and more. Being well-versed with accounting and very familiar with aspects of HR, it is an incredible feeling to be able to interact with almost all individuals within the organization. It is inspiring to work with those who contribute to the progress and development of therapies for people with rare endocrine diseases, and the individuals who support the operations of the organization.


What about Crinetics makes you the most excited to work here?

Not only is the overall mission of Crinetics awe-inspiring and motivational, but working with such amazing people is its own reward. As busy as it can be at Crinetics, especially considering the growth we are experiencing, individuals and departments are constantly thinking of ways to build together, whether that be streamlining processes or by simply offering a helping hand and taking charge of a task.


What is your advice on people hoping to join Crinetics?

Crinetics is a great company that values and acknowledges the efforts and hard work that individuals and teams contribute. Stay open to the many opportunities that the company has to offer and do not hesitate to ask questions and contribute feedback and suggestions.