Transforming the Way Endocrine Diseases Are Treated

Crinetics was founded by a team of scientists with a track record of successful drug discovery and development. The collaboration, curiosity and empathy that fueled our beginning still drives our team today.

Meet Us

scott struthers, founder and ceo

R. Scott Struthers, Ph.D.

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

garlan adams web uai

Garlan Adams

Chief Legal Officer

stephen f. betz, ph.d. founder & chief scientific officer executive team

Stephen F. Betz, Ph.D.

Founder & Chief Scientific Officer

cabre uai

Adriana Cabré, MBA

Chief Human Resources Officer

omar hamdy, vice president, chief of staff and head of portfolio strategy

Omar Hamdy, Ph.D., MBA 

Vice President, Chief of Staff and Head of Portfolio Strategy

isabel kalofonos chief commercial officer uai

Isabel Kalofonos

Chief Commercial Officer

jacqueline kirby, chief corporate affairs officer

Jacqueline Kirby

Chief Corporate Affairs Officer

jeff knight chief operating office executive team

Jeff Knight

Chief Operating Officer

alan krasner uai

Alan S. Krasner, M.D.

Chief Endocrinologist

dana p uai

Dana Pizzuti, M.D.

Chief Medical and Development Officer

chris robillard uai

Chris Robillard, MBA

Chief Business Officer

tobin schilke chief financial officer 1 uai

Tobin Schilke

Chief Financial Officer

Caren Deardorf

Board Member

Matthew K. Fust

Board Member

Weston Nichols, Ph.D.

Board Member

R. Scott Struthers, Ph.D.

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

John Newell-Price, M.D., Ph.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

Martin Heinrich Reincke, M.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

William Young, M.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

Beverly MK Biller, M.D., FACP

Scientific Advisory Board

Ann Taylor, M.D.

Scientific Advisory Board

Joy Wu, M.D., Ph.D., FASBMR

Scientific Advisory Board