Meet JP

Tell us about yourself, your position, background, motivations.

I was born in San Diego, and I’ve lived here for almost my entire life. I studied medicine in Tijuana and graduated in 2013. Right after graduation, I was introduced to the clinical research world and haven’t looked back since. I started working at an early-phase unit, then continued to late-phase trials across multiple medical specialties. After many years at the site level, I transitioned to the CRO industry, and it was not until March 2022 that I joined the Crinetics team.


What about Crinetics makes you the most excited to work here?

The work culture is unique. You feel welcomed and recognized from day one.


What is your advice on people hoping to join Crinetics?

This is a great company to work for. A very passionate and collaborative team, behind a great vision, is simply the key to success.